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April 21, 2023

Solar panels are set to become more affordable - but now is always the best time to switch to solar

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly attractive option when it comes to powering your home. In Sydney, more than 885,000 homes have rooftop solar, and in Australia 1 in 3 homes have gone green by switching to solar. Collectively homes and businesses in Australia have reached the impressive milestone of 6000-megawatt capacity. This achievement shows that there is a growing interest in solar energy, which is a positive sign for the environment and the economy.

Homeowners and businesses have benefited from government solar rebates and incentives to date, as these rebates have made it financially possible for many homeowners to convert to solar. At this stage, it is rumored that solar panel prices are set to drop, making the switch even more attractive. However, it's unknown exactly when these price changes will come into effect. If you have been waiting for the costs to reduce before going solar, why not look at the immediate benefits that you will gain by installing solar now?

The question is: do you switch to solar now or wait until there is a price reduction?

While it may be tempting to wait for further price drops in solar panels, it is important to consider the long-term benefits of switching to solar and the various incentives and programs available that can make them more affordable now. The benefits of switching to solar go beyond just cost savings.

The old adage “there's no time like the present” can be applied when thinking about switching to solar as it will help you save money on your energy bills, while also positively impacting the environment.

Reasons to Switch to Solar Now!

  • Environmental Benefits - Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, it does not release harmful pollutants into the environment which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
  • Cost savings - Solar energy has become more affordable in recent years and the cost of solar panels has decreased significantly. Installing solar panels can help you save money on your electricity bills over the long term and homeowners may be eligible for tax incentives or rebates for installing solar panels.
  • Energy Independence - Generating your own electricity with solar panels can help you become more energy independent and reduce your reliance on traditional utilities. This can be particularly beneficial during power outages or other emergencies.
  • Increase Property Value - Solar panels can increase the value of your property. Many home buyers are now looking for homes with solar panels installed, which can make your property more attractive and sellable in the future.

Factors to consider when deciding whether to go solar now

  1. If you are primarily concerned with the cost savings and have the financial means to invest in solar panels, then it may make sense to switch to solar now. In many cases, the savings on energy bills from using solar energy can offset the upfront cost of the installation within a few years.
  2. If you are not yet in a position to make the upfront investment in solar panels, it may be worth waiting for the cost to reduce further or for additional government incentives to become available. It's important to consider your location and the amount of sunlight your property receives, as this can impact the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of solar panels.
roof with solar panels

Ultimately, the decision to switch to solar should be based on careful consideration of your individual circumstances, and priorities.

Contact our Powerix team for more information about switching to solar on 0420 798 861 or complete our online quote request form.


Source: ABC News - Solar panel prices